The Philosophy, Politics, and Economics (PPE) concentration program at George Mason University allows undergraduate students to pursue topics in the intersection of philosophy, political science, and economics. Students in the program work with faculty in the Departments of Philosophy and Economics and in the Schar School of Policy and Government. Many of these faculty are internationally recognized authorities on topics in the intersection of philosophy, politics and economics.
PPE students participate in activities that supplement the ambitious course of study:
- The southside group is an open monthly discussion group featuring speakers on an eclectic range of topics related to political economy
- Students can gain international experience through the John Stuart Mill (JSM) Fellows Program at the Free University of Amsterdam
- The annual Roger Wilkins lecture series hosts prominent leaders and thinkers, including Supreme Court Justice Elena Kagan and Pulitzer Prize Winner James Forman, Jr.
Learn more about the PPE program here.
The concentration includes 67 credits:
Five core courses (16 credits)
- GOVT 101: Democratic Theory and Practice
- GOVT 103: Introduction to American Government
- GOVT 132: Introduction to International Politics
- GOVT 133: Introduction to Comparative Politics
- GOVT 300: Research Methods and Analysis
One senior seminar (3 credits) chosen from:
- GOVT 490: Synthesis Seminar
- GOVT 491: Honors Seminar (*This option is for students who have been accepted to pursue honors in the major)
Government Field Study (24 credits)
- GOVT 323: Classical Western Political Theory
- GOVT 467: Current Issues in Economic Policy
- GOVT 469: Philosophy, Politics, and Economics
- GOVT 422: Constitutional Interpretation
- Four additional upper division GOVT courses
Additional Concentration Courses (24 credits)
- PHIL 324: Modern Western Political Theory or PHIL 327 - Contemporary Western Political Theory
- PHIL 357: Philosophy of the Social Sciences or PHIL 371 - Philosophy of Natural Sciences
- PHIL 358: Ethics and Economics
- PHIL 411: Theories of Decision
- ECON 103: Contemporary Microeconomic Principles
- ECON 104: Contemporary Macroeconomic Principles
- ECON 306: Intermediate Microeconomics
- ECON 412: Game Theory and Economics of Institutions
Interested in pursuing this concentration? Contact your academic advisor or program director and Schar School Associate Professor Matthew Scherer for any questions.